Thursday, June 20, 2013

IOS launches new Facebook updates – allowing users to share structured status updates

Good news for the social media freaks, especially the IOS users! Structured Facebook status updates are now available through IOS based cell phones or other devices. Previously, this was only possible from the desktop or laptops, but not from the mobile devices. The latest Facebook update for IOS will now include the option for you to share your status messages, with the tags – what is your eating, what are you doing, etc.
Not only this, the new update for Facebook for IOS will also include enhanced privacy settings, allowing the users to check the views for their posted contents. Is not that a cool stuff?

Recently the fun status updates with Facebook have been popping up all over and a craze can be experienced, regarding the new status update options with Facebook. At this scenario, IOS users were pretty down for not availing those options. But now it is in their hands too, so more social updates in facebook can be anticipated.

The added Facebook feature is available in Android though! Hence, it was a setback for IOS. But with the advent of new features and privacy setting change options, users can enjoy all that Facebook options through their phone. This is of course great news for the iOS users.
Leave your opinion on this or mention the changes that you want to see in iOS. Let’s take a survey! If you like this news – don’t forget to share it in Twitter or Facebook with your friends.